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Showing posts from September, 2014


I finished and blocked a sweater last weekend. It is a bit free-form, just a large box with garter sleeve caps and cowl neck. I used some Corgi Hill Farm " Insomnia " which I finished some time ago, paired with Stricken Smitten hand-dyed Shimmer Glimmer yarn in the colorway "Plumage." I started the bottom in garter, switching to a couple of pattern stitches and stockinette, as mood suited me. I saved a couple of pieces of handspun, in similar colors, to do the arm bands. Otherwise, I used up the handspun and switched to the Plumage. I used two different knitting needles to keep the gauge as consistent as possible with the different yarns and stitch patterns. Happy Knitting, Lisa Kay

Mitchell Update

Mitchell has gone back to school. He's in the third grade. On the first day of school, he didn't really want his picture taken... ... but Chris did manage to catch a bit of a crooked smile. A couple weeks earlier, we were at my folks' house, and he caught a stink bug in the back yard. And last week, we caught a wooly worm. Last night, then, we finally gave in and let him get a pet. It is a Russian hamster. Her name is pancake, because she was sleeping in a weird, flat position when we first saw her... Critters! Happy Knitting, Lisa Kay