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I'm An After

In addition to Posey going up on Knitty, yesterday, it was also a special day in another way. I had a WeightWatchers meeting, and I weighed in under my goal weight for the first time. I've lost 103 pounds (20 on my own, and then 83 more on WW). Here's the data:


Happy Knitting!
Lisa Kay


yardbird78 said…
Congratulations on your super-duper achievement with the weight loss. Spectacular!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I found your blog through the new Knitty. Congrats on your submission making it into Knitty, I can't wait to cast on for these socks, they are amazing!

I really wanted to post about your weight loss though. How proud you must be of yourself! Congratulations on your massive weight loss! I have always wondered about Weight Watchers, and you are a living, breathing example of it actually working!!

I have a kiddo, also, who turns 3 in a couple of weeks. We both have '05 babies!
PopsCG said…
Lisa --- I'm sure you don't remember me since we haven't met since you lived in Yuba City. Congrats on your WW success. You look great. BTW ... your son looks great, too. Say "Hi" to your dad for me.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on both accomplishments!! I'm a customer at Crazy for Ewe, so that's how I found out about you! I know Ellen is so excited about your sock pattern!
Janice said…
Wow! Congratulations on both the published pattern and the weight loss! Way to go!
Logan said…
That's incredible!

I love your socks by the way. My favorite pattern for this issue.
BabyLongLegs said…
Well done you.....thats a n amazing achievement!!!

Sarah xXx
Laura said…
Wow! Congratulations on both counts! I'm a receptionist at my local Weight Watchers class and applaud your success story!

I also LOVE Posey, and put it on my list to knit this year. I'm going on a trip in April and I hope to find the Koigu colors I like for the pattern then.

Would you permit me to put one of your pictures of Posey on my weblog if I also link to the Knitty site and to your blog?
yarn shop girl said…
You GO Girl!!! Congrats! weight loss is such a hard road,I just lost 30lbs with 40 more to go.You look FABULOUS!
Lisa Kay said…
Laura, You have a lovely blog, and I would be flattered if you showed Posey. Just give credit! Thanks!
Lisa Kay
Jennifer said…
Wow - congratulations! What an inspiration. I just found your blog via knitty. I love your modular socks. They're adorable.
kim•ber•ly said…
Congratulations on reaching (exceeding?) your goal. Very inspirational.