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Happy Valentine's Day


We had a great Valentine's Day, mostly around the house, with lots of snow falling outside. Here's our sunshine:

Every Sunday, we have the grandparents over for dinner. We've been doing this for a couple of years, and it seems to work out well for everybody. Since today was Valentine's Day, it was a bit fancier than normal. My mom brought me flowers.

We had a family favorite, lasagna, which my mom taught me to make years ago. Yummy. I think all four grandparents were a little less than eager to have their picture taken...

My valentine for Mitchell was gumballs. He is a big gumball fan. He likes to get one out of the quarter machines at the mall on Fridays. Now, if we could just work on where he puts it when he's done...

Chris gave me a new pocket camera as my valentine. The idea is to be able to take it with me more and shoot more targets of opportunity... like last summer, when Mitchell found a frog on the lawn at Grandpa W's house, and I didn't have my camera. Bummer!

And, for comparison, here is what I usually use. It is a nice compromise in simplicity vs. size/complexity. Even at it's middle ground size, I don't take it with me unless I have plans to use it. Thus, the new pocket version...

I hope you had a great Valentine's Day, too!

Happy Knitting,
Lisa Kay

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