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TdF Day 1: Hedgehog

TdF 2011 Day 1

Clockwise from bottom left:

1. Hedgehog fiber, 8 oz (Picture taken many moons ago.)

2. Singles on the Ladybug. Bottom two were before TdF. Top bobbin was today.

3. Top bobbin, close up

4. WPI of 3-ply is 10 (Heavy worsted)

5. Niddy Noddy is 66” (5.5’) per wrap. 217 wraps here, for about 397 yds.

6. Skeined, not washed, yet

7. 3-ply on the bulky Ladybug bobbin. (All 397 yards on one bobbin.)

8. Leftover after 3-plying, made into an N-ply, for approximately 21 yds.

Happy Spinning!
Lisa Kay
